Saphe Premium

Safety on subscription

Saphe Premium gives you access to our revolutionary alarm features for only 2.99£ per month!

Join 350,000 other members and become part of Scandinavia's largest community that increases awareness and safety for each other on the roads.

19 %

Saphe Premium

Monthly payment
Full access to alarms and notifications
Access to latest features
Software and services development
Personalised setup in app
Support via chat, email and phone
Scandinavia's largest community for drivers
2.99 £/month
Price per month 2.99£
Set-up fee 0 £

Saphe Premium

Annual payment 19%
Full access to alarms and notifications
Access to latest features
Software and services development
Personalised setup in app
Support via chat, email and phone
Scandinavia's largest community for drivers
29.99 £/year
Price per month 2.49£.
Set-up fee 0 £
Saphe Drive Pro traffic alarm
Saphe Drive Pro traffic alarm

Features that create value. Every day!

Car in the hard shoulder
Speed traps
Section control

Get a warning when there is a car in the emergency lane ahead

Cars in the hard shoulder pose an increased risk to both the cars still travelling and the people from the car in the hard shoulder. This requires extra attention from everyone - your Saphe warns you of this.

Be warned of accidents on the road ahead

Accidents ahead require your undivided attention to navigate safely.

Traffic changes drastically, which is why an early warning is necessary - whether the accident has happened in your lane or not.

Warning about speed traps

Get timely notifications so you can correct your speed if your foot is a little too heavy on the accelerator. And yes - it happens to us all.

Speeding can exceed the speed limit - your Saphe helps you avoid that.

Get a reminder when you drive on a road with section control

You are notified when you exceed the average speed and can see when the section control begins. This allows you to keep an eye on your speed.

Current speed
Speed signs
New speed limit
Too high speed

See your exact speed

Get an accurate view of your current speed displayed directly on your screen. Precisely measured by your phone's GPS.

View current speeds - wherever you are

You probably know what it's like to be in doubt about the legal speed limit. But your Saphe helps you with that. With Denmark's most accurate speed map, you're never in doubt.

See when the speed limit changes ahead

You'll see both the current and upcoming speed limit well in advance so you can adjust your speed without risking hard braking or rapid acceleration.

Get a polite reminder if you exceed the speed limit

It happens - and it can be both dangerous and expensive. That's why you get a reminder when your speed exceeds the speed limit so you can take the pressure off the accelerator.

Redmeans danger

The red alerts cover the potentially dangerous situations on the road ahead. Everything from accidents and speeding cars in the emergency lane to school routes and other points of attention.

means speed traps

The blue alerts warn you of all types of speed traps. Mobile speed cameras, fixed speed cameras, red light cameras and section control.

3 reasons to choose Saphe Premium

Frequently asked questions

If you can't find the answer here, you can (almost) always reach us in our customer support